
Ck2 convert to attackers religion
Ck2 convert to attackers religion

ck2 convert to attackers religion ck2 convert to attackers religion ck2 convert to attackers religion

Whenever a crown title is usurped (by any means whatsoever), its Crown Authority is automatically lowered by one tier, and all of its laws are adjusted accordingly.If you've already raised Crown Authority and create a new crown title (rather than usurp, inherit, or otherwise gain it from another character), your lifetime cooldown is transferred to the new title automatically (no more raising your primary title authority twice in one lifetime when creating an empire).All increases in authority, either directly through the master slider or through individual laws, incur a 10-year opinion malus from all rulers to which the crown law applies.Crown Authority may only be raised once per title per lifetime, while individual laws such as Free Infidel Title Revocation or Protected Inheritance may be configured at will, without cooldown, as long as the title has sufficient CA.The Crown Authority slider unlocks different laws which can be passed (or not, if you so choose) at each level as well as different succession laws, casus belli, and other effects.Crown laws have been overhauled to merge the classic configurability of PB/EMF-style laws with the strategic and challenge benefits afforded by usage of a "master" slider to represent Crown Authority itself.

Ck2 convert to attackers religion