It was a constant struggle, but by the time i got to level 8, i did managed to get a nice army. in MY Isengard campaing, i got my ass handed to me on a silver plate repitedly, and then i had to start from scratch time and again. Enemy Ai does not use the advantage - despite the fact that it was very late game, mordor freze on Cair Andros wich was conquered in 50-th day.if i may ask, how the hell did you do that? going as far a to destroy Rohan, that is. It is a pity that you can not participate in the defense of the most interesting castles. My siege of Edoras was great (I do not know why, but the hosts did not go to Helm's Deep). Sieges with up to 500 soldiers in a battle (battle sizer) are epic. Unfortunately, number of scouts broked my save and game do not want to load. I destroyed Rohan and I was preparing for godnor. In the first game I got to 300 day - played as Isengard. Bugs is killing all the fun from the later game. Unfortunately, the mod still requires much work.